Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hamster Agility

This is great! Now i know what sport i'll take up when the price of gas and having to haul a bunch of dogs around gets to be too much...you could carry a bunch of these guys in a backpack!


Barbara said...

I can't stop laughing at the initial, dramatic panning of the course to that intense international competition music, hoo boy.

Pretty cute when the little dude goes through the chute and pops his head out, looking for his treat.

Just occurs to me, if this hamster can herd miniature sheep this might be the scale I should start out at! :)

Joan said...

I wonder how long it took to condition that hamster to run that course. Shows you though, if you can get a hamster to run that course you can teach a dog anything!

Robin French said...

I loved when he popped his head out too, pretty cute!

Rachel said...

That was pretty cute!!!

Darci said...

OMG. That was adorable! And I thought all hampsters were good for was.....well, not anymore! LOL

Loretta Mueller said...

OK that is sooo cute :) Robin, maybe you could get something started up?? Sheepdog trials AND hamster agility..all at the same location! BRILLIANT! :)